Get the Mail Your Missed: Scan a QR Code Using Your Smartphone!
April 10, 2018
The next time you miss an important piece of mail, the newly redesigned redelivery form, “We ReDeliver for You!”, will make it easier and faster to get your mail.
We ReDeliver for You is a fresh take on PS Form 3849 (Delivery Notice/Reminder Receipt), the form postal carriers are required to leave when they are unable to deliver an item successfully. Here’s what the revamped form offers:
- A scannable QR code. The new form contains a Quick Response (QR) Code, a two-dimensional barcode you can scan with a smartphone to schedule redelivery.
- Informed Delivery Connection. Use the form to have your redeliveries managed through the Informed Delivery digital notification service.
- Linked barcodes. Link the package tracking numbers to PS Form 3849, eliminating the need to write article numbers.
- Barcode lookup. Scan the form’s barcode with RSS and obtain the mail piece’s product, shape, tracking numbers and the customer’s address.
- Simplified language and colors. Enjoy clearer, more accurate instructions and forms color-coded in peach for regular delivery days and yellow for Sunday deliveries.
Redeliver for me!
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