Millennials Respond to Direct Mail

The Case for Paper

In our increasingly digital world, direct mail may be more powerful than ever. Think about it… marketing through the mail is less saturated than through e-mail or digital advertising. Most people receive many more promotional e-mails in a day than they do direct mail pieces. Not to mention that physical mail has more staying power and “presence” in the household. You probably see a piece of mail sitting on your kitchen table more than once, while a marketing email can come and go without so much as a glance. Direct mail has stood the test of time… but that doesn’t mean it won’t resonate with a younger target. In fact, 87% of Millennials actually like receiving direct mail. 

1. Millennials: An Emerging Consumer Powerhouse, Quad/Graphics, March 2016. 
2. Felicia Savage, “Don’t Hide In The Bushes: How To Use Direct Mail To Target Millennials,” PERQ, October 28, 2013. 
3. “Direct Mail vs. Social Media | Q&A Showdown,” Divvy, January 15, 2016.


Despite the affinity for physical mail, Millennials still spend more time online than other adults, so abandoning digital channels is not the answer... It's all about optimizing with the right mix of traditional and digital efforts.

View the recording of our latest webinar to see how you can use direct mail to remain competitive in today’s marketing universe.

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