Avoid the rush! Dec 31 is the deadline to get an IMI-Ready Meter, check out your options here.

2021 Rate Change Webinar Resources

January 20, 2021
Author: Steve Shorey

Thank you so much for attending our 2021 Postage Rates Webinar! We hope we were able to help launch you into the new year and new rates with our breakdown of the changes happening. As a little New Rates party favor, we curated a full list of resources about everything and anything Rate Change 2021 for you to dig through. And if you have any questions, be sure to contact us so we can help you out or you can sign up for our Quadient Connections Newsletter to get all the updates on Rate Change 2021 as they happen.





UPS & FedEx

* FedEx and UPS rate guides will be available here next week! Sign up for our newsletter for content reminders!

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